Did you know that the healthier your smile, the lower your chances of developing plaque and tartar build-up, gum disease, tooth decay and tooth loss? Regular dental hygiene appointments at Willow Dental Care could save your teeth – and save you thousands in expensive dental restoration bills in the future.
Keep your smile healthy and invest in your oral health by
At Willow Dental Care, we’re proud to offer you oral health care solutions for the healthiest, happiest smile of your life.
Dental Sealants
Dental Sealants can help prevent cavities and gum disease by sealing your teeth – essentially, shielding your teeth from the effects of normal, everyday wear and tear. Sealants are comfortable and long-lasting, so if you would like to request a dental sealant appointment or if you have any questions about dental sealants, please
Oral Cancer Screening
The innovative VELscope oral cancer screening device has made it possible for the oral health care professionals at Willow Dental Care to routinely screen for lesions that could indicate oral cancer. Prevention and Early Detection are key in fighting oral cancer, so
today to book your VELscope Oral Cancer
Intraoral Camera
The Intraoral Camera makes it possible for you to see your teeth the way dental health professionals at Willow Dental Care see your teeth. The Intraoral Camera will take photos of your smile and you’ll be able to really see and understand how oral hygiene affects the health of your teeth. Intraoral Camera photos are part of your dental records and can be used for dental insurance purposes.
if you would like to book your Intraoral Camera appointment or if you have any questions about the Intraoral Camera.
If you have any questions about proper oral health care techniques, please don’t hesitate to
. We’re here to help.